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Complete SEO Package

Complete SEO Package 5.7.6

- Do not apply robots on custom links added in sitemap
- Fix PHP8 issue "void function must not return a value"

- Fix blog links on new Journal 3.2

- Fix tag field does not have the update button on OC 3.0.3.x
- Fix tags seo with utf-8 values
- New option to select to update main description with generate all seo values button
- Fix canonical path when selected in product

- Improved hreflang x-default tag
- Fix Undefined index: lang
- Fix image link in substore sitemap was pointing to main store

- Possibility to set indexable search urls
- Generate value for description too when using button to generate all seo values
- Language tag is also available for non friendly urls
- Fix opengraph namespace
- Possibility to use * to redirect also urls with parameters
- Compatibility with OC 4.x
- Improved opengraph data
- Possibility to mass update only current category

- Added selectable columns for category editor
- Possibility to use {currency} in product meta title

- Fix redirection with extended utf-8 in parameters
- Fix undefined index seo_keyword
- Handle redirection which is the same in multiple languages
- Compatibility with nitro cache that was adding noindex on categories
- Improved dynamic redirection with categories

- Possibility to set additional image name
- Multistore product name now appearing in journal 3 categories
- Improved language tag detection
- Sitemap cache now also cache index
- New option to disable counters in sitemap index
- Fir sitemap not showing on some chrome browsers

- Handles incorrect defined parent categories
- Improved url preload
- Removed inline style from manufacturer description
- Upgrade from pack pro now transfers also manufacturer data
- Fix manufacturer mass generator not inserting value in case it was not existent already
- Rich snippets: display store image in case store logo is not defined
- Fix Undefined index: query

- Fix but from 5.4.6 SEO Editor was showing only one language

- New feature: URL Preload to improve performance on big stores
- Upcase, lowcase, ucfirst transformators now working with accentuated chars
- Fix sitemap lang issue on specific configurations
- Avoid duplicate headings
- Param urls is now working in more situations
- Fix manufacturer search in SEO Editor
- Handle alt and title on journal 3 product images
- Sitemap cache can be generate by cron
- New Google Analytics 4 implementation
- Compatibility with latest SQL version
- Improved compatibility with OCstore

- Fix sitemap not showing correct page after page 10
- Facebook og:description now use meta description, or full desc if meta is empty
- Fix notices on module options
- Fix manufacturer urls not saved on OC 2.3
- Fix manufacturer canonical pagination parameter
- Robots noindex if extra params on product url
- New tag for meta title {price} which is dynamic
- New feature: Auto-Links
- New option to choose where to display the seo h1, h2, h3
- Fix error appearing on joocart
- New feature: generate internal links
- Fix infinite redirection on canonical redirect with '&' char inside url

- Load more than 20 product reviews in rich snippets
- Fix google tag manager displaying warning because of duplicate initialisation
- Better compatibility of google tag manager with Journal
- Fix enhanced ecommerce tracking was not showing quantity
- Added backup setting function

- Added rich snippet rating on category
- Set analytics code to header to avoid issues with journal

- Fix sitemap list in admin
- Handle sitemap urls when adding language tag before sitemap
- Display multistore data in SEO Editor even if no entry is set already

- Compatibility with News/Blog module
- Fix languages go back to default on non-rewritten pages on certain confiugrations
- Fix issue with sitemap on page 10 and more
- Fix issue with sitemap when language tag is inserted before sitemap url

- Fix SEO Editor search not finding in name column
- Sitemap exclude links also works for journal
- Set the analytics script async to improve performance
- Compatibility with tmdblog
- Compatibility with special offer page
- Fix mass update not showing old value in some specific cases of product import in multistore mode
- Added a warning for ocStore to inform to set default seo engine
- Fix incorrect product url in rich snippet in case of remove of last breacrumb
- Fix some keywords not correctly deleted before insert v5 and OC 2.x

- Bug introduced in latest update appearing in OC 2.x

- Fix issue when putting slash in seo search

- Fix journal blog urls
- Possibility to disable sitemap language based feeds

- Seo canonical was not possible to set back to auto
- Possibility to place the menu shortcut to top menu
- Auto URL Backup also works in SEO Editor
- Fix notice Undefined index: product_id in checkout cart when enhanced analytics enabled

- New feature: Auto URL Backup !
- Dynamic url redirect now works also if only the product keyword is saved, no need of full path

- Possibility to choose where to place the module shortcut

- New option to choose the exact product canonical path
- Fix manufacturer description not displayed fine
- Rich snippet status selector was working only for special price, now works also for normal price
- Fix rich snippet availability not recognized by google
- Better display of line returns into seo editor
- Url redirection can now handle multilingual
- New option to include facebook pixel
- Added facebook opengraph category
- Absolute url now works also in SSL mode
- Avoid notice in opengraph in case of empty category
- Fix [price] tag not transformed when no corresponding special group assigned
- Fix journal3 blog issue with redirect to canonical option
- If multistore seo is disabled display main store seo data
- Fix grid sitemap was not showing all products
- Fix auto rename image name was generating missing images if assigned to additional images
- Fix empty [category] or [desc] tag when using some import tool
- Fix incorrect number of generated related
- Remove duplicate commas in tag generation
- New option to also auto insert description
- Improved auto-insert auto-edit
- Compatibility with multilingual logo extensions
- Fix category sitemap not corresponding to canonical if selecting full path mode
- Prevent duplicate entry issue when copying product
- Ampersand (&) is now stripped from safe url too
- When not using multistore mode mass update will generate values for all products
- Fix undefined index description in some cases on categories and informations
- Improved upgrade from SEO Backpack
- Fix multistore sometimes displaying default url
- Do not remove space after commas in mass udpate
- Fix additional images sometimes broken when mass updating image name
- Fix seo search not returning results in some cases
- Better menu display on small screens
- Fix incorrect pagination in SEO Editor on some opencart versions
- Fix image renaming not working when changing main image product
- Fix wrong redirection when using redirect to canonical with some special chars in url parameters
- Fix full category path not working with some themes menu
- Fix incorrect hreflang domain in sitemap when using domain based language tag
- Common and special pages can now be set specifically for multistore
- New Feature: Google Enhanced eCommerce Tracking
- Possibility to set journal3 blog tags urls, use Param URL > journal_blog_tag=tag
- Fix Path Manager banned cats was working only for subcategories
- Fix journal 2 duplicate hreflang or rich snippets
- New option to hide/show specific columns in product SEO Editor
- Minor fixes in sitemap
- Possibility to filter categories in mass update
- Extended meta robots settings

- Fixed issue with common page urls with slash in recent version
- Fix missing description editor in manufacturer
- Fix missing language flag in manafacturer
- Improved friendly search urls
- Improved friendly tag urls
- Fix issues in SEO editor manufacturers
- Display manufacturer description for journal2 twig version
- New option to not save not found url based on extension
- Fix redirection to www when using cron scripts
- Added migration tool from iSense seo backpack

- Fix "can't use return value in write context"
- Fix sitemap uncorrect lastmod date
- Fix friendly sorting in product special page
- Added journal 3 blog section in sitemap
- New option to handle extended rich snippet availability
- Fix manufacturer seo keyword not saved on OC 2.0.x
- Fix banned categories not displaying fine on OC 3
- Redirect not found page to search is now returning 404 code

- Fix "a non-numeric value encountered in advanced_sitemap.php"
- Sort categories by name in mass update selector
- OC3 with multistores and multistore mode disabled: now use default store url
- Fix undefined index: order
- Sitemap now display correct product sitemap lastmod date
- Fixed sitemap not correctly displayed on some OC3 configurations

- Absolute urls now can handle extra parameters using the wildcard *
- Add tags for mass update with any manufacturer data
- Get real lastmod date for products and categories in sitemap
- New option to filter product category in mass update
- Always display offer rich snippet
- Fix tag as domain default store
- Add option to disable other links in tas as domain mode